Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

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Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a 2017 platform game developed by Lizardcube and published by DotEmu for the Nintendo Switch. It is a remake of the 1989 Sega Master System game Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap. Several videos of the game was recorded by The D-Pad as part of their weekend Switch videos series, but the footage was lost. A re-recorded playthrough as the female character (an option which changes the game's name to Wonder Girl: The Dragon's Trap) commenced on May 13, 2017.


EpisodeTitleLengthPlayer(s)CommentatorsRelease date
1"Aw, That's Nice of Them"15:07LindsayRick, Ben13 May 2017 (2017-05-13)
Lindsay takes control for the start of the game by working her way through The Last Dungeon and fighting the Meka Dragon, while the group praise the game's art style. After defeating (and being cursed by) the dragon, she finishes the introductory level and begins the game proper. As Rick and Ben try to make sense of the bizarre titles of the games in the Wonder Boy series, Lindsay explores a beach area, but accumulates damage over time and eventually receives a game over. Respawning at the starting town, she buys a set of Mithril gear and finds an extra heart, but further exploration reveals that the beach path is the only way to progress forward. Lindsay makes her way back to the beach, but mistakenly enters a one-way door that returns her to the town.
2"Chicken Hands"13:19Lindsay, RickBen13 May 2017 (2017-05-13)
Back at the beach, Lindsay continues to explore both above and below the water and finds some treasure, as Ben reveals his long-running mishearing of a classic AC/DC song. Lindsay eventually reaches a shop selling Goblin Mail, buys it, and obtains a key before deciding to "John out" and hand the control over to Rick. Rick makes his way back across the beach while the group joke about the 'retro' and 'modern' graphical variations on the game's enemies. Arriving back at the town, he uses the key to access a desert area, but decides to head right into a canyon with much more dangerous enemies. He gets a decent way into the area before being overwhelmed and defeated, respawning at the town once again.
3"Fire Escaping from My Face"15:12RickBen, Lindsay14 May 2017 (2017-05-14)
Rick returns to the desert and goes left instead, while continuing to compare the 'retro' and 'modern' graphic and music options. At the end of the area he finds another extra heart, and explores a pyramid containing a boss battle with Mummy Dragon. Upon defeating the boss, he is cursed again and becomes a mouse. After clearing out the rest of the pyramid's treasure, he enters another one-way door that returns him to the town. Using the abilities of the mouse form, Rick finds a hidden shop stocked with items that are too expensive to buy, along with a path leading to a previously inaccessible area. He heads through it to find himself in a jungle area, where he immediately buys a Shogun Blade and Shogun Shield from a shop at the entrance.
4"Bamboozle of the Lizard"16:35RickBen, Lindsay14 May 2017 (2017-05-14)
Rick stays near the beginning of the jungle, defeating enemies in order to obtain enough money to buy the final Shogun item from the shop, then heads forward through the area until he reaches a tower. Due to the structure of the level, he has to climb the tower on the left side, then drop back down to the bottom and climb it again on the right side in order to reach the door leading to the next boss, Dragon Zombie. The boss turns out to be very straightforward; he makes quick work of it and becomes cursed once more, this time turning into a "fish-person". Rick leaves the tower and uses his newfound ability to swim to get to an area containing an extra heart, a shop that sells potions, and the next one-way door that leads back to the town.
5"Horch"17:27LindsayRick, John, Ben20 May 2017 (2017-05-20)
The group return to the game, with John present and Lindsay in control once more. She explores the town area and then the beach area, trying to find the correct path to progress through the game. John leaves after a few minutes, and Lindsay finds nothing new in the beach except for a shop selling a better shield. After Rick comes up with a name for the pig salesman, she buys the shield and returns to the town, but is still unsuccessful in finding a newly accessible area. Eventually, they conclude that the previously too-difficult canyon area is the only remaining unexplored path. Lindsay makes her way through the canyon, crossing a long series of floating platforms over lava, and eventually reaches what appears to be the end of the area, which contains a shop selling Dragon Mail that provides immunity to lava.
6"Hishimishi"19:05Lindsay, RickBen22 May 2017 (2017-05-22)
Lindsay uses her new armor to walk through lava and continue forward, soon finding a room that allows her to switch forms at will. Using the mouse form, she obtains an item that allows her to break grey blocks, opening up a huge number of potential paths to explore across the game. She enters a one-way door back to the town before handing the control back to Rick. Rick explores a few new areas in the town before heading the beach area and going underwater, where he finds a shipwreck filled with ghosts. He reaches the end of the area and has a close fight with the boss, Captain Dragon, before being cursed with a new form; a lion. He is returned to the beach area, and decides to grind money for a few minutes in order to buy the Master Shield from the nearby shop.
7"The Suave Goose"23:36RickBen, Lindsay, Ashley28 May 2017 (2017-05-28)
Rick returns to the underwater area in the beach to investigate a well he'd missed earlier; it leads to a door containing an extra heart. He goes back to town and uses the lion's abilities to break some blocks underneath him and drop into a new area. A hidden shop there sells a Muramasa Blade, which he buys. Dropping down a further pit leads Rick to the underground; he heads to the left and explores the area, finding another shop along the way, this one selling a Tasmanian Sword. Although it is weaker than the Muramasa Blade, he buys it because of its claimed "special" attribute, though none of the group can figure out what exactly that is. Continuing through the cave leads him to The Daimyo Temple, an area filled with ninja enemies. After some googling, Ben finds out the purpose of the Tasmanian Sword - it allows the player to switch forms at will. Rick reaches the end of the temple and defeats Daimyo Dragon, whose curse unlocks a hawk form.
8"The Mushrooms Look Like Whales"15:07RickBen, Lindsay, Ashley29 May 2017 (2017-05-29)
Rick uses the flying ability of the hawk form to explore several new areas in the town, first finding an extra heart, and then a mysterious, seemingly useless room floating in the sky to the left of the tower. Convinced that he missed something in the jungle, he returns to look for it but finds nothing new. The desert area is similarly empty of new paths, so Rick heads back to the underground to look for secrets. He succeeds in finding a door that he did not enter earlier, but it only contains a Magical Blade - a sword that turns intangible star tiles into blocks that can be climbed on, and seemingly made useless by the existence of the hawk form. Rick flies to the top of the room, but the door there only returns him to the town, to the confusion of the group.
9"You Bought Lunch"19:37RickBen, Lindsay, Ashley3 June 2017 (2017-06-03)
Rick returns to the floating room, convinced that there is a secret there. He ultimately finds it by turning the center star into a block and then destroying it, opening a door to a new area. He proceeds through some of this area, but it proves to be very difficult, and he is ultimately overwhelmed and killed. He heads back there again for a second attempt, and succeeds in getting further into the dungeon, but soon reaches a dark area filled with enemies, and is defeated once more. Back at the town, he buys the expensive Heavenly Shield from the shop to the right, then heads back to the sky to attempt the hidden area a third time.
10"Which One Is Come-On Man?"16:08RickJohn, Ben, Lindsay, Ashley4 June 2017 (2017-06-04)
After buying a cure from the nurse at the beginning of the area, Rick heads back through the dungeon, reaching the dark area that he died in previously. While there, he picks up a potion, then continues forward through several previously unexplored areas until he reaches the end of the dungeon. The boss of the area, Vampire Dragon, proves to be difficult, and Rick is killed, then revived by the potion. He defeats the boss, who drops a cross. One by one, Rick's forms are taken from him until he is a human again, and the group realize they have accidentally beaten the game, leaving several areas unexplored. They watch the closing cutscene and the credits, planning to continue with the postgame.
11"The Lion Drugs Are Really Good"15:39RickBen, Lindsay, Dave10 June 2017 (2017-06-10)
Rick re-enters the completed game, where it is now possible to transform into all forms, including the human. He returns to The Old Castle, finding a shop selling a very expensive Legendary Shield outside. Inside the dungeon, he obtains Legendary Armor by defeating an ogre, and the Legendary Sword in a chest in the old boss room. He leaves the area and heads back to the entrance to the underground, convinced that he had missed something there, but it turns out to only be an alternate path for the mouse form that leads nowhere new. With nothing else left to explore, Rick enters a newly-accessible door in town which leads to the Unknown, the game's bonus dungeon. He is low on health when entering, however, and dies to the first obstacle.