Nick Bebel

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Revision as of 03:19, 27 November 2018 by TheFinalBiscuit (talk | contribs)
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Name Nick Bebel
Years active 2011 - 2013, 2015, 2018
Debut episode 5 Days a Stranger, Part 1
"Sexy Solitaire"
Let's Play stats
Associated series
Associated shows
Mega Man deaths

Nick Bebel is a former host of The D-Pad. One of the original three hosts on the podcast along with Rick and John, he first appeared on the channel for the 5 Days a Stranger LP in 2011, and went on to appear in several others released in the early years of the channel. He was behind the controller for the original pilot episode of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for The Legendary Let's Play, but his trolling and deliberately time-wasting style of playing led to the start of the game being re-recorded without him. He made infrequent appearances over the years since, vanishing from the channel entirely after an early The Mega Let's Play episode in 2015. He re-appeared on the channel in 2018, joking that he had been there all along, but had never been given a microphone.