The D-Pad

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The D-Pad is a YouTube Let's Play channel created by Rick Desilets in 2011. Originally intended as a companion to the podcast of the same name, it eventually became the group's main focus, and continued as such after the podcast ended in 2014. Initially hosted by Rick, John Selig and C/J Haley, it has expanded over time to feature many more permanent and recurring members. The channel is known for large scale Franchise Plays that attempt to cover every game in a series, Pokémon Rivals, a competitive variation on the Nuzlocke ruleset, and non-LP projects like A Brief History and Seriesly. As of April 2017, The D-Pad has played over 200 games and uploaded well over 3000 videos.


The D-Pad originated as a podcast hosted by Rick, John and Nick Bebel, with the first episode airing on April 3, 2011, and C/J joining soon after. In June of that year, the podcast held an event known as Sonic Week to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. As part of the event, the group released Let's Plays of several classic (and not-so-classic) Sonic games on their website. Soon after, The D-Pad Youtube channel was created, and an LP of 5 Days a Stranger was uploaded to it, followed by the previously recorded Sonic Week playthroughs. Over the next few years, the group continued to upload LPs to the channel, with a somewhat erratic schedule, until uploads abruptly stopped in February 2013.

On August 22 2013, a full six months after the channel's last upload, a trailer was released for a large-scale project called The Legendary Let's Play, in which the group would play every main series The Legend of Zelda release. Throughout the rest of 2013 and the entirety of 2014, the channel uploaded Zelda videos on a regular schedule, along with many other games. At the very end of 2014, The D-Pad completed their goal after over 500 videos, and immediately moved on to their current project, The Mega Let's Play. This even more ambitious Franchise Play attempts to tackle every single game in the Mega Man series, and has been running uninterrupted for over two years as of April 2017. During the run of The Mega Let's Play, they have continued to add further Franchise Plays, Pokémon Nuzlockes, and other Let's Plays and projects, with the cast of the channel growing to include a large number additional hosts and guests.


For a list of all hosts, recurring guests and cameos on the channel, see Members.


For a list of every single game played on the channel, see Games.

Franchise Plays

Smaller LP projects

Other projects and shows