Pokémon Insurgence

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Pokémon Insurgence
Franchise Pokémon
Developed by
  • thesuzerain
  • 1ofthe4rocketbros
Platform(s) PC
Release date August 13, 2017 (2017-08-13)
Genre Role-playing
Team John
Played by John Selig
Original run June 23 –
July 9, 2015
No. of episodes 14
Episode length 10–20 minutes
Playlist link
Playlist length 3:47:48
Pokémon Rivals
Concurrent with Pokémon Insurgence: Team
Team Rick
Played by Rick Desilets
Original run July 14, 2015 –
No. of episodes 150
Episode length 10–58 minutes
Playlist link
Playlist length 50:10:52
Pokémon Rivals
Concurrent with Pokémon Insurgence: Team

Pokémon Insurgence is a 2017 role-playing game developed by thesuzerain and later 1ofthe4rocketbros for PC. It is a fan game based on the Pokémon franchise, developed during its sixth generation. Set in a new region, Torren, the game features an original story, with a darker take on the Pokémon universe than in official games, new variants of Pokémon known as Delta Pokémon, new Mega Evolutions, difficulty settings, and many other changes and new features. Although the full version of the game was released in 2017, development continued under a new lead, and further updates are planned for the future.

Pokémon Insurgence was played by both John and Rick on The D-Pad in a Nuzlocke challenge in 2015, as the third official installment of Pokémon Rivals, Pokémon Rivals: Insurgence. As the winner of the previous Padlocke, Pokémon Rivals: Omega Ruby vs. Alpha Sapphire, John began with his LP, which consisted of 14 episodes, released on weekdays from June 23 to July 9, 2015.

After losing his entire team, John forfeited the Padlocke before reaching the first Gym, leaving Rick as the winner by default. Rick's LP, now effectively a solo Nuzlocke of the entire game, began on July 14, 2015.


Team John

Successful catches

The following is list of every Pokémon obtained by John during his LP. A name highlighted in red indicates a Pokémon that has died.

# Dex Species Name Location Levels Episodes
1 731 Charmeleon δ Necromandr Telnor Town 7 18 2 14
Obtained from Professor Sylvan as a Charmander δ.
Evolved into a Charmeleon δ in episode 8.
Died to a Rollout from a wild Marill.
2 011 Metapod Margarine Shade Forest 3 8 2 5
Caught as a Caterpie.
Evolved into a Metapod in episode 3.
Died to a Feint Attaack from Abyssal Cultist's Skrelp.
3 074 Geodude Geodon't Telnor Cave 7 20 4 14
Died to a Confusion from Psychic Rachel's Kadabra.
4 659 Bunnelby Yojimbo Route 1 11 14 6 13
Died to a Vacuum Wave from Damian's Wartortle δ.
5 102 Exeggcute Robotnik Midna Garden 10 14 7 13
Died to a Bite from Damian's Wartortle δ.
6 231 Phanpy Heffalump Midna Mine 11 14 8 14
Died to a Confusion from Psychic Rachel's Kadabra.

Failed catches

# Dex Species Location Level Episode
1 041 Zubat Dark Cave 11 7
Died to a Rollout from Geodon't.
2 183 Marill Route 2 15 14
John fled the battle.

Team Rick

Successful catches

The following is list of every Pokémon obtained by Rick during his LP. A name highlighted in green indicates a Pokémon in the party as of the most recent episode, while a name highlighted in red indicates a Pokémon that has died.

# Dex Species Name Location Levels Episodes
1 735 Blastoise δ Fibonacci Telnor Town 7 62 2 118
Obtained from Professor Sylvan as a Squirtle δ.
Evolved into a Wartortle δ in episode 10, then a Blastoise δ in episode 44.
Died to an Ice Beam from Cult Leader Audrey's Primal Kyogre.
2 025 Pikachu Joule Shade Forest 4 11 2 8
Died to a Karate Chop from Ruin Maniac Marc's Machop.
3 095 Onix Carradine Telnor Cave 8 18 4 21
Died to a Boomburst from Artist Mark's Smeargle.
4 077 Ponyta Ichabod Route 1 11 18 7 21
Died to a Boomburst from Artist Mark's Smeargle.
5 231 Phanpy Tembo Midna Mine 12 19 9 21
Died to a Boomburst from Artist Mark's Smeargle.
6 102 Exeggcute Basket Midna Garden 10 15 12 15
Static encounter in a Hidden Grotto.
Died to a Psywave from Psychic Rachel's Spoink.
7 184 Azumarill Dedede Route 2 15 20 15 21
Caught as a Marill.
Evolved into an Azumarill in episode 17.
Died to a Boomburst from Artist Mark's Smeargle.
8 074 Geodude Minerva Ancient Ruin 14 20 16 21
Died to a Boomburst from Artist Mark's Smeargle.
9 293 Whismur Decibel Cyan Cavern 17 18 24
Died to a Duel Chop from a wild Axew.
10 456 Finneon Lazarus Midna Town 14 15 22
Died to a Rock Blast from a wild Roggenrola.
11 223 Remoraid Oktavia Suntouched City 14 18 23 31
Caught as a Remoraid named Ultros.[a] Renamed to Oktavia in episode 27.
Died to an Ominous Wind from a wild Rotom.
12 524 Roggenrola Aggro Suntouched Exitway 15 16 23 30
Died to a Solar Beam from Gym Leader Orion's Ivysaur.
13 610 Axew Jigglejam Broadcast Mission 1 20 24 24 30
Died to a Sludge Bomb from Gym Leader Orion's Ivysaur.
14 772 Muk δ Richter Broadcast Mission 2 30 50 25 111
Caught as a Grimer δ.
Evolved into a Muk δ in episode 56.
Died to a Bullet Seed from Gym Leader Harmony's Cincinno.
15 281 Kirlia Curie Route 3 19 23 37 53
Caught as a Ralts.
Evolved into a Kirlia in episode 37.
Died to a Headbutt from Pokéfan Archie's Breloom.
16 099 Kingler Poseidon Metchi Town 15 35 40 60
Caught as a Krabby.
Evolved into a Kingler in episode 45.
Died to a Bug Bite from Gym Leader Xavier's Heracross.
17 511 Pansage Goodall Route 3 10 29 46 60
Static encounter in a Hidden Grotto.
Died to a Venoshock from Gym Leader Xavier's Haunter.
18 009 Blastoise Sierpinski Route 4 10 70 47 143
Static encounter in a Hidden Grotto.
Caught as a Squirtle.
Evolved into a Wartortle in episode 55, then a Blastoise in episode 62.
Died to an Outrage from Dragon Tamer Cade's Dragonite.
19 739 Kirlia δ Edison Route 4 15 21 50 53
Static encounter in an abandoned house.
Evolved into a Kirlia δ in episode 52.
Died to a Rock Throw from a wild Mudkip.
20 468 Togekiss Coyle Vipik City 1 52 63 118
Received as an Egg in Vipik City in episode 60.
Hatched as a Togepi in episode 63.
Evolved into a Togetic and then a Togekiss in episode 91.
Died to a Hydro Pump from Cult Leader Audrey's Kingdra.
21 89 Muk Hemlock Vipik Dump 30 53 64 118
Caught as a Grimer.
Evolved into a Muk in episode 74.
Died to an Origin Pulse from Cult Leader Audrey's Primal Kyogre.
22 275 Shiftry Schleiden Crossroads 33 66 66 136
Caught as a Nuzleaf.
Evolved into a Shiftry between episodes 134 and 135.
Died to a Focus Blast from Gym Leader Diana's Gengar.
23 670 Floette Isley Route 5 34 39 68 77
Died to an Earthquake from Miner Brady's Golem.
24 248 Tyranitar Tenzing Samsara Cave 35 57 69 118
Caught as a Larvitar.
Evolved into a Pupitar in episode 70, then a Tyranitar in episode 99.
Died to a Focus Blast from Cult Leader Audrey's Alakazam.
25 566 Archen Hammond Scientists Club 5 72  
Static encounter in the Scientists Club laboratory.
26 479 Rotom Tesla Koril Town 49 57 72 118
Died to an Origin Pulse from Cult Leader Audrey's Primal Kyogre.
27 330 Flygon Tennyson Rezzai Desert 37 66 73 138
Caught as a Vibrava.
Evolved into a Flygon in episode 116.
Died to an Ice Beam from Perfection Cultist Taen's White Kyurem.
28 476 Probopass Morgan Rezzai Cavern 37 71 80  
Caught as a Nosepass.
Evolved into a Probopass between episodes 145 and 146.
29 587 Emolga Breviceps Route 6 37 71 82  
30 358 Chimecho Graham Route 7 35 70 86 145
Died to an Aerial Ace from Ace Trainer Calla's Aegislash.
31 591 Amoongus Agaric Helios Sewers 37 70 87  
Caught as a Foongus.
Evolved into an Amoongus between episodes 145 and 146.
32 105 Marowak Bakker Cave of Steam 39 71 94  
33 768 Roserade δ Dewey Utira Library 10 62 98 121
Static encounter as a Budew δ in a hidden alcove in Utira Library.
Evolved into a Roselia δ and then a Roserade δ between episodes 120 and 121.
Died to a Flare Blitz from Perfection Cultist Taen's Mega Charizard.
34 356 Dusclops Evelyn Abandoned Wing 39 69 98 143
Died to an Outrage from Dragon Tamer Cade's Dragonite.
35 229 Houndoom Dante Route 8 43 63 100 120
Died to an Earthquake from Gym Leader Anastasia's Mega Metagross.
36 073 Tentacruel Dohrnii Stormy Seas 45 62 103 126
Died to an Earthquake from Ace Trainer Salfora's Tyrantrum.
37 195 Quagsire Calypso Stormy Seas 34 69 103 143
Static encounter on an island in the Stormy Seas.
Died to an Outrage from Dragon Tamer Cade's Dragonite.
38 342 Crawdaunt Pierson Stormy Seas 12 67 103 138
Static encounter on an island in the Stormy Seas.
Died to a Hammer Arm from Perfection Cultist Taen's Metagross.
39 057 Primeape Banner Route 9 45 67 108 138
Died to a Fusion Bolt from Perfection Cultist Taen's Armored Zekrom.
40 286 Breloom Jormp-Jomp Route 10 48 62 113 121
Died to a Draco Meteor from Perfection Cultist Taen's Armored Zekrom.
41 357 Tropius Livingston Route 11 53 63 114 134
Died to an Ice Beam from Cult Leader Persephone's Greninja.
42 319 Sharpedo Cousteau Maelstrom 9 28 70 115 145
Static encounter as a Carvanha underwater.
Evolved into a Sharpedo between episodes 143 and 144.
Died to a Bug Buzz from Ace Trainer Calla's Accelgor.
43 142 Aerodactyl Malcolm Miara Town 5 71 119  
Received as Old Amber in Miara Town in episode 102.
Revived as an Aerodactyl in episode 119.
44 411 Bastiodon Walter Midna Mine 5 65 119 138
Found as an Armor Fossil in Midna Mine in episode 13.
Revived as a Shieldon in episode 119.
Evolved into a Bastiodon between episodes 121 and 122.
Died to an Earthquake from Perfection Cultist Taen's Salamence.
45 302 Sableye Sandiego Murk Forest 54 61 123 134
Died to a Shadow Ball from Cult Leader Persephone's Gengar.
46 006 Charizard Clover Jr. Nasca Town 10 70 124 145
Received as a gift Charmander.
Evolved into a Charmeleon in episode 125, then a Charizard between episodes 143 and 144.
Died to a Final Gambit from Ace Trainer Calla's Accelgor.
47 467 Magmortar Daisy Fiery Caverns 53 70 128  
Caught as a Magmar.
Evolved into a Magmortar between episodes 145 and 146.
48 327 Spinda Twain Route 12 55 132  
49 042 Golbat Kyle Ancient Tower 54 69 134 143
Died to a Wing Attack from Dragon Tamer Cade's Dragonite.
50 755 Liepard δ Oscar Selene City 45 69 137 143
Static encounter at night.
Died to a Wing Attack from Dragon Tamer Cade's Dragonite.
51 047 Parasect Romero Route 13 63 69 137 143
Died to a Wing Attack from Dragon Tamer Cade's Dragonite.
52 160 Feraligatr Bindy Dragon Ruins 59 70 137 145
Died to a Sacred Sword from Ace Trainer Calla's Aegislash.
53 745 Avalugg δ Fleming Dragon Ruins 15 70 142 145
Caught as a Bergmite δ.
Evolved into an Avalugg δ in episode 143.
Died to a Sacred Sword from Ace Trainer Calla's Aegislash.
54 416 Vespiquen Von Frisch Route 14 59 70 142 145
Died to an Aerial Ace from Ace Trainer Calla's Aegislash.
55 419 Floatzel Frankdan Oranos Town 61 149  
56 310 Manetric Benji Route 15 61 149  
Egg N/A Helios City  
Received as an Egg in Helios City in episode 86.
Egg N/A Hekate Town  
Received as an Egg in Hekate Town in episode 128.

Illegal catches

The following is list of every Pokémon obtained by Rick which is not allowed to be used during his Nuzlocke run.

# Dex Species Name Location Levels Episode
1 273 Seedot Seedot Mystery Gift 7 46
Obtained from the Dark Dancer Mystery Gift.
Boxed after being received.
2 570 Zorua Zorua Mystery Gift 5 87
Obtained from the Master of Disguise Mystery Gift in episode 67.
Boxed after being received.
3 212 Scizor Kevorkian Route 11 50 67 122
Caught on Route 11 after encountering and catching Livingston.
Evolved into a Scizor in episode 135.
Boxed in episode 139 after the illegal catch was realized.

Failed catches

# Dex Species Location Level Episode
1 063 Abra Dark Cave 11 8
Abra fled the battle using Teleport.
2 479 Rotom Telnor Town 31 31
Rick fled the battle.
3 278 Wingull Route 4 23 47
Died to a Stomp from Poseidon.
4 479 Rotom Vipik City 37 54
Died to a Dark Pulse from Fibonacci.
5 388 Grotle Secret Base 17 61
Died to a Bite from Sierpinski.
6 073 Tentacruel Miara Town 42 102
Died to an Electro Ball from Tesla.
7 364 Sealeo Whirl Islands 40 103
Died to an Electro Ball from Tesla.
8 143 Snorlax Route 8 45 107
Static encounter in front of the path to Route 9.
Died to an Electro Ball from Tesla.
9 278 Wingull Maelstrom 9 48 114
Died to a Dazzling Gleam from Coyle.
10 338 Solrock Nasca Cave 48 114
Died to its own Explosion.
11 254 Sceptile Safari Zone 55 125
Fled the battle.


Team John

This LP was re-released on The D-Pad Unpaused on December 18, 2022.

PR#EpisodeTitleLengthPlayer(s)Commentator(s)Release date
4871"What a Wonderful Time to Be Alive"20:54JohnRick, Ben, SarahJune 23, 2015 (2015-06-23)
4882"That's a Big If"14:34JohnRick, Ben, SarahJune 23, 2015 (2015-06-23)
4893"Totally Normal and Totally Lame"16:10JohnRick, C/J, Ben, SarahJune 24, 2015 (2015-06-24)
4904"Iggy Roselia"18:24JohnRick, C/J, Ben, SarahJune 25, 2015 (2015-06-25)
4915"He'll Get Enough Punishment"10:05JohnRick, C/J, Ben, SarahJune 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)
4946"Written by Humans"16:45JohnRick, C/J, Ben, SarahJune 29, 2015 (2015-06-29)
4957"What Geowon't He Do?"15:55JohnRick, C/J, Ben, SarahJune 30, 2015 (2015-06-30)
4968"Maybe Using My Feelings?"18:13JohnRick, C/J, Ben, SarahJuly 1, 2015 (2015-07-01)
4979"STAB Wounds"16:51JohnRickJuly 3, 2015 (2015-07-03)
49810"That's a Terrible Rydia"16:25JohnRickJuly 3, 2015 (2015-07-03)
50111"John Hurt the Doctor"16:10JohnRick, C/J, Dustin, Ben, SarahJuly 8, 2015 (2015-07-08)
50212"I Owe You Two Years of Shit"18:15JohnRick, C/J, Dustin, Ben, SarahJuly 8, 2015 (2015-07-08)
50313"Held Back Tears"18:15JohnRick, C/J, Ian, Dustin, Ben, SarahJuly 8, 2015 (2015-07-08)
50414"Kirby's Revenge"10:52JohnRick, C/J, Ian, Dustin, SarahJuly 9, 2015 (2015-07-09)

Team Rick

This LP was re-released on The D-Pad Unpaused in six segments. The first, containing Chapter 1, was released on December 22, 2022. The second, containing Chapter 2, was released on January 4, 2023. The second, containing Chapter 3, was released on January 7, 2023. The fourth, containing Chapter 4, was released on January 13, 2023. The fifth, containing Chapter 5, was released on January 22, 2023. The sixth, containing Chapter 6, was released on January 27, 2023.

PR#EpisodeTitleLengthPlayer(s)Commentator(s)Release date
Chapter 1
5071"With a Heavy Heart, I Accept"17:05RickJohn, BenJuly 14, 2015 (2015-07-14)
5082"Explain It Anyway"16:04RickJohn, BenJuly 14, 2015 (2015-07-14)
5093"Don't Ever Listen to Me"14:31RickJohn, BenJuly 15, 2015 (2015-07-15)
5104"A Message Not Received"19:08RickJohn, BenJuly 16, 2015 (2015-07-16)
5115"How I Get My Rocks Off"17:25RickJohn, BenJuly 17, 2015 (2015-07-17)
5136"I'm Gonna Run"10:44RickJohnJuly 22, 2015 (2015-07-22)
5157"This Game Is for Adults"14:47RickJohnJuly 22, 2015 (2015-07-22)
5168"Much More Than Zero"14:49RickJohnJuly 23, 2015 (2015-07-23)
5179"More Like UNsurgence"17:54RickJohnJuly 23, 2015 (2015-07-23)
51810"I'm Gonna Take It Out on You"24:59RickJohnJuly 24, 2015 (2015-07-24)
51911"Fantastic Five"18:30RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahJuly 27, 2015 (2015-07-27)
52012"I'm in a Rut"18:06RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahJuly 28, 2015 (2015-07-28)
52113"Bitch Boy"17:32RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahJuly 29, 2015 (2015-07-29)
52214"Tembo the Badass Elephant"20:24RickJohn, SarahJuly 30, 2015 (2015-07-30)
52315"Half a Dozen of the Other"17:52RickJohn, SarahJuly 31, 2015 (2015-07-31)
52816"You Monster"18:38RickJohnAugust 4, 2015 (2015-08-04)
52917"He Hates Me"18:51RickJohnAugust 4, 2015 (2015-08-04)
53018"Humility"15:12RickJohnAugust 5, 2015 (2015-08-05)
53119"Mightn't Joe Young"16:18RickJohnAugust 6, 2015 (2015-08-06)
53220"Wrong All the Ways"14:26RickJohnAugust 7, 2015 (2015-08-07)
53521"Darker Mode"41:08RickJohn, Ian, Dustin, BenAugust 10, 2015 (2015-08-10)
53622"The Bright Side"18:22RickJohn, Ian, Dustin, BenAugust 11, 2015 (2015-08-11)
53723"A Wonderful Thing Right Now"17:45RickJohn, Ian, Dustin, BenAugust 12, 2015 (2015-08-12)
53824"Tooting Your Own Horn"17:20RickJohn, Ian, Dustin, BenAugust 13, 2015 (2015-08-13)
53925"Hey, pn!"18:11RickJohn, Ian, Dustin, BenAugust 14, 2015 (2015-08-14)
54226"Flipping Off the Internet"16:33RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahAugust 17, 2015 (2015-08-17)
54327"Dirt Poison"15:53RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahAugust 18, 2015 (2015-08-18)
54428"A Little Finger Massage"21:10RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahAugust 19, 2015 (2015-08-19)
54529"Disaster Pants, No. 2: The Shittiest Episode"15:39RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahAugust 20, 2015 (2015-08-20)
54630"I Might Get Burned Again"23:34RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahAugust 21, 2015 (2015-08-21)
Chapter 2
54931"We Know Nothing"21:21RickJohn, Ian, BenAugust 25, 2015 (2015-08-25)
55032"Escape from Nothingness"16:58RickJohn, Ian, BenAugust 26, 2015 (2015-08-26)
55133"Boner Town: Population Ben"26:43RickJohn, Ian, BenAugust 26, 2015 (2015-08-26)
55234"Duh, the Sky"19:33RickJohn, Ian, BenAugust 27, 2015 (2015-08-27)
55335"You Only Month Twice"21:48RickJohnAugust 28, 2015 (2015-08-28)
55636"I'd Die First"19:41RickJohn, BenAugust 31, 2015 (2015-08-31)
55737"YouTube Gaming vs. YouTube Gaming"17:08RickJohn, BenSeptember 1, 2015 (2015-09-01)
55838"Adorable as a Burglar in the Night"11:14RickJohn, BenSeptember 2, 2015 (2015-09-02)
55939"Never a Dull Moment"18:30RickJohn, BenSeptember 3, 2015 (2015-09-03)
56040"You Will Treat Him with Respect"12:27RickJohn, BenSeptember 4, 2015 (2015-09-04)
56341"Yeppers"22:11RickJohn, BenSeptember 7, 2015 (2015-09-07)
56442"Dublin Mudslide and an Oatmeal Cookie Chunk"19:46RickJohn, BenSeptember 8, 2015 (2015-09-08)
56543"Dead & Berried"19:17RickJohn, BenSeptember 9, 2015 (2015-09-09)
56644"One of My Friends' Michael"22:28RickJohn, BenSeptember 10, 2015 (2015-09-10)
56745"Mean Whilst"20:50RickJohn, BenSeptember 11, 2015 (2015-09-11)
57046"It's All Good in the Wood"21:31RickJohn, BenSeptember 14, 2015 (2015-09-14)
57147"Led Astray"13:19RickJohn, BenSeptember 15, 2015 (2015-09-15)
57248"Two Cool"28:27RickJohn, BenSeptember 16, 2015 (2015-09-16)
57349"Helicopter Trainer"32:04RickJohn, BenSeptember 17, 2015 (2015-09-17)
57450"Two in the Muk, One in the Grimer"17:12RickJohn, BenSeptember 18, 2015 (2015-09-18)
57751"We Aim to Whelm"28:23RickJohn, BenSeptember 22, 2015 (2015-09-22)
57852"Never Move Ahead"15:31RickJohn, Dustin, BenSeptember 22, 2015 (2015-09-22)
57953"Up on the Moon"16:30RickJohn, Dustin, BenSeptember 23, 2015 (2015-09-23)
58054"Doctors Hate This Trainer"23:50RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahSeptember 24, 2015 (2015-09-24)
58155"Have Fun"26:57RickJohn, Dustin, Ben, SarahSeptember 25, 2015 (2015-09-25)
58456"#TurtlePower"31:00RickJohn, Ben, SarahSeptember 28, 2015 (2015-09-28)
58557"Boy, Is This Offensive"19:52RickJohn, Ben, SarahSeptember 29, 2015 (2015-09-29)
58658"Good for the Gander"24:26RickJohn, Ben, SarahSeptember 30, 2015 (2015-09-30)
58759"At My Own Expense"14:57RickJohn, Ben, SarahOctober 1, 2015 (2015-10-01)
58860"He Fainted for Your Misplays"58:48RickJohn, Ben, SarahOctober 2, 2015 (2015-10-02)
Chapter 3
59161"The Wind Waker"17:27RickJohnOctober 5, 2015 (2015-10-05)
59262"Difficulty Difficulty"16:39RickJohnOctober 6, 2015 (2015-10-06)
59363"Egg's Been a Dick"18:00RickJohnOctober 7, 2015 (2015-10-07)
59464"Mushroom Stamp"16:39RickJohn, Dustin, BenOctober 8, 2015 (2015-10-08)
59565"The Dustin Spiral"14:41RickJohn, Dustin, BenOctober 9, 2015 (2015-10-09)
59766"Push Him In"21:31RickJohn, Dustin, BenOctober 12, 2015 (2015-10-12)
59867"I Like It Cold and Weird"15:04RickJohn, BenOctober 13, 2015 (2015-10-13)
59968"I'm Gonna Explopre Your Caves"18:22RickJohn, BenOctober 14, 2015 (2015-10-14)
60069"Not in the Top Five Percent"25:23RickJohn, BenOctober 15, 2015 (2015-10-15)
60170"Two and Two"15:15RickJohn, BenOctober 16, 2015 (2015-10-16)
60471"Cold Outside, Cold Inside"21:40RickJohn, DustinOctober 19, 2015 (2015-10-19)
60572"The Scientist Club"21:02RickJohn, DustinOctober 20, 2015 (2015-10-20)
60673"We Do This Every Time"18:09RickJohnOctober 21, 2015 (2015-10-21)
60774"Eight Hours a Sleep"17:35RickJohn, DustinOctober 22, 2015 (2015-10-22)
60875"I Don't Wanna Do This"14:02RickJohn, DustinOctober 23, 2015 (2015-10-23)
61176"Parental Advisory"16:55RickJohn, DustinOctober 26, 2015 (2015-10-26)
61277"I Appreciate That, Friend"25:01RickJohnOctober 27, 2015 (2015-10-27)
61378"Where Nobody Knows Your Name"22:24RickJohnOctober 28, 2015 (2015-10-28)
61479"It's Always Selfish in Philadelphia"17:59RickJohnOctober 29, 2015 (2015-10-29)
61580"Binding Contracts"14:34RickJohnOctober 30, 2015 (2015-10-30)
61881"Well, We're Cultists"13:44RickJohnNovember 2, 2015 (2015-11-02)
61982"He Restyled His Looks"25:59RickJohnNovember 3, 2015 (2015-11-03)
62083"Never Found Out About Happiness"34:47RickJohnNovember 5, 2015 (2015-11-05)
62184"Oh, Good"10:59RickJohn, BenNovember 5, 2015 (2015-11-05)
62285"You Are My Rock"14:26RickJohn, BenNovember 6, 2015 (2015-11-06)
62586"Ambipom Is Normal"18:26RickJohn, BenNovember 9, 2015 (2015-11-09)
62687"Brooding Rude Dude 'Tude"22:48RickJohn, BenNovember 10, 2015 (2015-11-10)
62788"Smash Butter Melee"20:48RickJohn, BenNovember 11, 2015 (2015-11-11)
62889"I Need Your Poo Poo, Boo Boo"28:18RickJohn, BenNovember 12, 2015 (2015-11-12)
62990"Force Happiness Down Its Throat"16:14RickJohn, BenNovember 13, 2015 (2015-11-13)
63291"The No-Neck Stone"17:51RickJohnNovember 16, 2015 (2015-11-16)
63392"The Worst Batman"23:16RickJohnNovember 17, 2015 (2015-11-17)
63493"The Insurgent"15:48RickJohnNovember 18, 2015 (2015-11-18)
Chapter 4
63594"Disc Two"16:31RickJohnNovember 19, 2015 (2015-11-19)
63695"I'm So Scawy!"17:03RickJohn, DustinNovember 20, 2015 (2015-11-20)
63996"Fibonacci's One-Stop Blood Mop Shop"13:11RickJohn, Dustin, BenNovember 23, 2015 (2015-11-23)
64097"The Fault in Our Staryus"22:27RickJohnNovember 24, 2015 (2015-11-24)
64198"A Spectral Ball of Fire"15:53RickJohnNovember 25, 2015 (2015-11-25)
64299"You're Becoming My Man"12:47RickJohnNovember 26, 2015 (2015-11-26)
644100"Not a Dry Eye"16:19RickJohnNovember 27, 2015 (2015-11-27)
645101"Montenegro Bison"19:57RickJohnNovember 30, 2015 (2015-11-30)
646102"The Artifact of Lugia"20:39RickJohnDecember 1, 2015 (2015-12-01)
647103"Why Can't I Squeeze This Ghost?"19:28RickJohnDecember 2, 2015 (2015-12-02)
648104"Nom Sang?"14:24RickJohnDecember 3, 2015 (2015-12-03)
649105"Jason Biraz"20:17RickJohn, Ben, MegDecember 5, 2015 (2015-12-05)
650106"Welcome, Stormslinger"23:17RickJohn, Ben, MegDecember 7, 2015 (2015-12-07)
651107"Schadenfreude"17:24RickJohn, BenDecember 8, 2015 (2015-12-08)
652108"The Little Conspiracy"18:27RickJohn, BenDecember 9, 2015 (2015-12-09)
653109"You Don't Gotta Be That Hot"11:11RickJohn, BenDecember 10, 2015 (2015-12-10)
654110"Owning Ass"24:04RickJohn, BenDecember 11, 2015 (2015-12-11)
655111"It's Just Wrong"43:01RickJohn, Dustin, BenDecember 14, 2015 (2015-12-14)
Chapter 5
656112"Didn't You Slap a Child?"12:50RickJohnDecember 19, 2015 (2015-12-19)
657113"Jackie Jormp-Jomp"15:49RickJohnDecember 19, 2015 (2015-12-19)
658114"Columbus Was Wrong"15:01RickJohnDecember 20, 2015 (2015-12-20)
659115"Fear of the Sea"15:10RickJohnDecember 20, 2015 (2015-12-20)
660116"Peanut Butter Clusterfuck"15:54RickJohn, BenDecember 21, 2015 (2015-12-21)
661117"Glancing Blow"13:44RickJohnDecember 22, 2015 (2015-12-22)
662118"One Down, Four to Go"36:59RickJohn, Dustin, BenDecember 24, 2015 (2015-12-24)
663119"Hardcore, Hardcore Grinding"25:25RickJohnDecember 24, 2015 (2015-12-24)
664120"Curse of the Red Jacket"40:40RickJohnDecember 25, 2015 (2015-12-25)
Chapter 6
665121"This Is Gonna End in Tears"22:06RickJohnDecember 28, 2015 (2015-12-28)
666122"Holy Lanta-Giving Crows"17:41RickJohn, BenDecember 30, 2015 (2015-12-30)
667123"Look at the Hax"15:48RickJohn, Ian, BenDecember 31, 2015 (2015-12-31)
668124"Legalize It"22:22RickJohn, Ian, BenJanuary 1, 2016 (2016-01-01)
669125"Doesn't Do Me Any Good Right Now"25:22RickJohn, IanJanuary 1, 2016 (2016-01-01)
670126"One Experience Point"16:35RickJohnJanuary 5, 2016 (2016-01-05)
671127"How Bad Could Things Be?"21:42RickJohnJanuary 6, 2016 (2016-01-06)
672128"What Are You Like?"20:19RickJohn, BenJanuary 7, 2016 (2016-01-07)
673129"The Marios of Pokémon"16:15RickJohn, BenJanuary 7, 2016 (2016-01-07)
674130"Ideal"14:27RickJohn, BenJanuary 8, 2016 (2016-01-08)
675131"That Bridge Looks Pretty Final"22:09RickJohn, BenJanuary 11, 2016 (2016-01-11)
676132"Who Did Centrifugal Motion?"17:21RickJohnJanuary 12, 2016 (2016-01-12)
677133"I'm Sorry for Your Gift"18:00RickJohn, BenJanuary 13, 2016 (2016-01-13)
678134"Stab, Stab, Stab"28:46RickJohn, BenJanuary 14, 2016 (2016-01-14)
679135"Do Guys Scissor?"16:07RickJohn, BenJanuary 16, 2016 (2016-01-16)
680136"You Solved My Puzzle"23:12RickJohn, BenJanuary 18, 2016 (2016-01-18)
681137"The Most Terrifying Thing We Know"22:21RickDustin, BenJanuary 19, 2016 (2016-01-19)
682138"The Great Namehere"31:35RickDustin, BenJanuary 20, 2016 (2016-01-20)
Chapter 7
1542139"Resurgence"24:09RickJohn[b]February 27, 2025 (2025-02-27)
1544140"My Pledge to You"20:21Rick February 28, 2025 (2025-02-28)
1545141"There's a Lot Going On, Plot-Wise"23:22RickPeterMarch 3, 2025 (2025-03-03)
1546142"Anxious About Actually Attacking"17:27RickPeterMarch 4, 2025 (2025-03-04)
1547143"We're So Back, It's So Over"23:56RickPeterMarch 5, 2025 (2025-03-05)
1548144"Forty with Priority"23:05Rick March 6, 2025 (2025-03-06)
1549145"My F-Team"20:17Rick March 7, 2025 (2025-03-07)
1552146"One Last Time"26:39Rick March 10, 2025 (2025-03-10)
1553147"This Whole Business About the Virus"16:43Rick March 11, 2025 (2025-03-11)
1554148"Among Dictators and Tyrants"26:59Rick March 12, 2025 (2025-03-12)
1555149"Pokémon-Positive"17:25Rick March 13, 2025 (2025-03-13)
1556150"Commit to the Bit"17:07RickJohn[c]March 14, 2025 (2025-03-14)


Team John 
Team Rick 


  • Pokémon Rivals: Insurgence is the only installment of Pokémon Rivals to cover an unofficial game, and the only one in which both Rick and John played the exact same game rather than two different versions.
    • It is also the only Padlocke in which one player has fully forfeited their game, as Rick returned to finish Pokémon X some time after forfeiting the Padlocke.
  • Rick's Pokémon Insurgence LP went on hiatus after episode 138, as it had covered everything that was available in the then-incomplete game. The full version was released next year, but the proliferation of Pokémon LPs on the channel by that point meant that the return of the series was subject to numerous delays. Insurgence finally returned with episode 139 on February 27, 2025, over nine years after the previous episode.


  1. Rick initially caught a Remoraid named Ursula, but it was lost and recaught under a different name after a game crash.
  2. In this episode, John appears only in archive footage from earlier episodes of the LP.
  3. In this episode, John appears only in archive footage of the Pokémon X LP.