Super Mario Odyssey

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Super Mario Odyssey
Franchise Mario
Developed by Nintendo EPD
Published by Nintendo
Platform(s) Nintendo Switch
Release date(s) October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27)
Genre Platform
Let's Play
Played by
Intro theme "Jump Up, Super Star! [Remix]"
by The Living Tombstone
Outro theme "Jump Up, Super Star! [Remix]"
by Qumu
Original run October 30, 2017 - present
No. of episodes 31
Episode length 12-31 minutes
Playlist link
Playlist length 9:45:55

Super Mario Odyssey is a 2017 platform game developed by Nintendo EPD and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. It is part of the Super Mario series within the larger Mario franchise, and features a return to the gameplay style of earlier games in the series such as Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, as well as a unique mechanic that allows Mario to take control of enemies and other objects using his hat. The game was played by The D-Pad in 2017; the series debuted on October 30, 2017.


EpisodeTitleMoonsLengthPlayer(s)CommentatorsRelease date
Bonneton, Cap Kingdom
1"I'm Your Hat Now, Bitch!"00023:06LindsayRick, John30 October 2017 (2017-10-30)
The group watch the opening cutscenes of the game, in which Mario is defeated by Bowser and knocked off his airship. Mario wakes up in the Cap Kingdom and teams up with Cappy, giving him the ability to use his hat for a number of different purposes. Taking control of the game, Lindsay explores the area and gets used to the controls and abilities before heading to Top-Hat Tower, inside which is an ice cave with some frogs. After "capturing" one of the frogs with Cappy, she uses it to jump high enough to reach the top of the area, then heads through the door back outside. At the top of the tower, she faces one of the Broodals in a boss fight. Upon defeating him, the way forward is unlocked, allowing her to move on to the Cascade Kingdom.
Fossil Falls, Cascade Kingdom
2"You Got a Banana!"00317:51LindsayRick, John31 October 2017 (2017-10-31)
Lindsay enters the Cascade Kingdom, exploring some of the area and eventually taking control of a Chain Chomp in order to knock down some rubble hiding the game's first Power Moon. A little further on, she encounters the Odyssey, a broken-down airship that needs five Power Moons in order to run. The group are excited to encounter a dinosaur, which Lindsay takes control of to destroy some more barricades, one of which reveals another Power Moon. Further on in the area, she finds a few hidden purple coins and other things, followed by an 8-bit section attached to the wall. By heading to the left and wrapping around the wall, Lindsay discovers a secret area containing a third Power Moon.
3"That Looks Broodal"00919:19LindsayRick, John1 November 2017 (2017-11-01)
Lindsay reaches the boss of the Cascade Kingdom, a member of the Broodals who attacks with a Chain Chomp. By capturing the Chain Chomp and launching it into her, she is able to defeat the boss and obtain a Multi Moon. Returning to the Odyssey, she uses the Moons she has obtained to power up the ship, allowing it to take off and transport her to the Sand Kingdom. While there, she investigates the local shop, buying a Power Moon and an Employee Uniform. Outside, she finds another Moon on top of one of the buildings, then heads to an underground room where she finds one more in a minigame based on following the vibration of the controller. She heads back outside and gets a hint about the location of another Power Moon from a talking parrot.
Tostarena, Sand Kingdom
4"Good Identification of a Hole"01317:02LindsayRick, John2 November 2017 (2017-11-02)
Lindsay heads towards the tower where the next story-based Power Moon is located, but quickly becomes distracted with other areas. While exploring, she picks up a Moon by capturing a Bullet Bill and flying over to it, as well as another one hidden inside a destructible block. Moving further up the tower, she passes through an 8-bit area and finds another Power Moon inside a wooden crate. After falling into a poison lake and dying while trying to reach another platform with the Bullet Bill, she returns to where she was before and continues climbing, eventually reaching the top of the tower and obtaining the Power Moon.
5"The Watermelon Rebound"02026:48Lindsay, JohnRick3 November 2017 (2017-11-03)
Lindsay continues onward to an area with several moving platforms, which requires carefully timed jumps over beams that can damage Mario. After she responds to this threat by panicking and jumping off to her death several times, John takes over. He gets past the platform section to a new area, where he captures a "Moe-Eye" and uses it to view invisible paths. He collects five Moon Shards, which unlock a Power Moon. He then enters an indoor area involving capturing Bullet Bills, which he fails at many times, before eventually getting to the end and obtaining the Power Moon. He finds another Moon outside in the desert, buried under the sand, then enters the Inverted Pyramid. The pyramid contains 8-bit segments with alternating gravity; John finds another Power Moon hidden to the side here. Eventually, he reaches the roof and defeats another member of the Broodals in a boss fight, being rewarded with a Multi Moon.
6"La Goombaracha"02516:15RickBen, Lindsay6 November 2017 (2017-11-06)
Lindsay asks Rick to buy the Sombrero and Poncho from the shop, then directs him to a door which requires Mario wear that outfit to enter. Inside is a Tostarena party, where Mario is rewarded with a Power Moon. Outside, he finds that a golden seed he planted earlier has grown, giving him another Power Moon. He grabs a third Moon that was on top of an archway, before exploring the surrounding area some more. He eventually comes back to town, where he wins a Moon by playing a game of slots. He then goes to get another Moon from the ruins, and even searches the area to try and find a place where John missed a path earlier, only to realize he can't access it currently. He then decides to head towards the objective, jumping into the mysterious hole in the desert.
7"Why Does Your Body Hurt John?"03016:42RickJohn, Ben, Lindsay7 November 2017 (2017-11-07)
Rick enters the Underground Temple, successfully getting through a gauntlet of enemies, but failing to grab an out-of-reach Power Moon along the way. During this, John returns, celebrating his birthday. At the end of the area, Rick encounters a boss, Knucklotec. He defeats the boss and is rewarded with a Multi Moon, then returned to the surface. He briefly investigates the game's amiibo functionality, then finds a Power Moon hidden in the back of the shop. Exploring the area some more, Rick finds an entrance to a secret platforming challenge area, which he manages to reach the end of, picking up a Power Moon as a reward.
8"Did You Guys All Have Butts?"03615:08Rick, LindsayJohn, Ben8 November 2017 (2017-11-08)
While trying and failing to catch a bird carrying a Power Moon, Rick finds an oasis in the desert. He obtains a Power Moon by completing a music note-collecting challenge, and another one that he finds buried under the sand. He returns to exploring the desert shortly before noticing another bird and chasing it, falling into a poison lake in his attempts to catch it. He returns to the lake and manages to successfully grab the Power Moon, then finds a second one after completing a timed parkour challenge. He returns to the Underground Temple to pick up the Moon he missed the first time, then hands over to Lindsay. She finds a painting which leads to a secret area of the Metro Kingdom, earning her another Moon. There is no way to reach the rest of the Kingdom, so she heads back to the Desert Kingdom, and then back to the Odyssey to set off for a new area. Given the choice between the Lake Kingdom and the Wooded Kingdom, she chooses the latter.
Steam Gardens, Wooded Kingdom
9"I Like Your Onion Body"04115:52LindsayRick, John, Ben9 November 2017 (2017-11-09)
Lindsay arrives in the Wooded Kingdom, exploring some of the immediate area. She buys a Power Moon from the local shop, along with a Mechanic Outfit. Further in the area, she enters a pipe leading to a challenge area filled with Fuzzy enemies, in which she finds two Power Moons. Back outside, she finds a plant-like enemy which can be captured. It has the ability to extend its legs vertically, opening up access to a lot of different places. Exploring some more, Lindsay finds another Moon, and then a challenge room where Mario must fight a Fire Bro without the use of his cap. After defeating him, she is rewarded with yet another Power Moon.
10"The Vines Count as You"04918:20Lindsay, JohnRick, Ben10 November 2017 (2017-11-10)
After dying to one of the plant enemies, Lindsay makes her way back to where she was before and continues through the area, grabbing two Power Moons along the way. This unlocks a new section of the Wooded Kingdom, featuring a number of platforming challenges. Lindsay finds these difficult, and falls down bottomless pits multiple times. She finds a third Power Moon and enters an interior area, but soon gives up and hands the control over to John, who climbs the tower, gets another Power Moon, and heads outside to face a boss battle against one of the Broodals. He fails on his first attempt, but succeeds on the second, obtaining a Multi Moon as a reward.
11"Initiating Passive-Aggressive Commentary"05315:56JohnRick, Ben, Lindsay13 November 2017 (2017-11-13)
John is returned to the entrance of the Wooded Kingdom and enters the path leading to the Secret Flower Field. He makes his way through this new area, finding a Power Moon hidden in the ground along the way. He obtains another Power Moon by impressing a female Goomba, then attempts to kill a stack of Goombas with a Ground Pound, but fails and is killed by them instead. Further into the area, he uses a tank to shoot out part of a wall to climb up, uncovering another Moon as he does so. After dying again while trying to complete a parkour segment, John heads up to the top of the area, where he reaches a cannon that needs to be destroyed by shooting at it with the tank. After doing so, he obtains another Power Moon, and unlocks the next area.
12"Only People Like Me Find This"05920:37JohnRick, Ben, Lindsay14 November 2017 (2017-11-14)
John enters the Secret Flower Field, where he faces off with a flying robot boss. By using the nearby plant enemy to attack he is able to defeat. He is rewarded with a Multi Moon, then sent back to the beginning of the area. Lindsay directs him to a secret area accessed by jumping down what appears to be a bottomless pit. While there, he finds two Power Moons hidden under the ground, and obtains another one from a timed challenge. He explores the rest of the area by capturing a nearby dinosaur, but ultimately finds nothing else he can access there yet and leaves, emerging in a different part of the Wooded Kingdom.
13"Lounging in His Undies"06216:56JohnRick, Ben, Lindsay15 November 2017 (2017-11-15)
After buying the explorer outfit, John returns to the Deep Woods and uses the outfit to get through a door, behind which is a Power Moon. He then enters a pipe maze which requires he guess the correct path; after many incorrect guesses, he reaches another Moon, then leaves the Deep Woods. Having been informed that warping between checkpoints is possible in the game, John uses this feature to head back to the Odyssey, then buys the Boxer Shorts from the shop. He powers up the Odyssey using his newfound Power Moons, then sets off for the Lake Kingdom. There, he begins to explore the new area, earning a Power Moon from a note-collecting challenge and unlocking the path to the Water Plaza.
Lake Lamode, Lake Kingdom
14"Zipperland"06714:32JohnRick, Ben, Lindsay16 November 2017 (2017-11-16)
John reaches the Water Plaza, where he quickly grabs two Power Moons and three of the shards required to obtain a third one. He then enters a secret challenge area based on capturing zippers and using them to progress. He finds the first Power Moon there relatively easily, then dies several times attempting a long jump before realizing there are invisible coin blocks that allow him to reach the second Moon. He returns to the underwater area and grabs one more shard, before heading to the surface and investigating a painting. It transports him to an isolated platform in the Luncheon Kingdom, an area which Lindsay demands to play when the group reach it properly. John grabs the nearby Power Moon, then heads back through the painting.
15"I'm Sorry, I've Got Caviar"07520:11JohnRick, Lindsay17 November 2017 (2017-11-17)
John finds a Power Moon back in the Lake Kingdom, then jumps back into the water and picks up the final shard, unlocking another Moon. He heads into the entrance of the Water Plaza, where he finds another Moon hidden in a secret room, then yet another one inside the Lochlady Dress's display area. He enters the shop and buys a Moon along with some other items. He enters an 8-bit area where he earns a Moon by completing a note-collecting challenge, then decides to continue on with the story. He obtains another Moon along the way, then enters a challenge area which requires several precise movements to avoid Fuzzies while climbing along walls. John fails at this area many times, before eventually reaching the end and grabbing the Moon.
16"Kelp Me"08527:19John, Lindsay, RickBen20 November 2017 (2017-11-20)
John reaches the platform where the Broodals are located, then hands the control over to Lindsay for the boss fight itself. She defeats the boss on her second try, earning a Multi Moon, and Mario is returned to the start of the Lake Kingdom. Rick takes over and decides to explore the area some more, finding another Moon under the sand, as well as the remaining purple coins in the area. He gets a further two Power Moons while making his way back to the Water Plaza, where he buys the rest of the items from the purple coin shop. He then captures a fish and dives underwater to a secret area, where Captain Toad gives him another Moon. He also finds a seed underwater and plants it in the Plaza, gets a Moon by completing a fishing minigame, and grabs another moon in a timed challenge. Finally, he enters a door that was previously blocked and completes a short puzzle to obtain one more Moon.
17"I Repressed It All"08917:21RickJohn, Ben, Lindsay21 November 2017 (2017-11-21)
Inspired by a hint from Talkatoo, Rick heads back to one of the platforming challenge areas from before, and finds a Power Moon hidden there. He spends some time exploring the Lake Kingdom again, trying to find more Moons, eventually coming across a timer challenge located where the boss fight used to be which rewards him with one. He returns to Talkatoo, who gives a hint about a Moon named "From the Broken Pillar". This hint sends Rick around the entire area again interacting with broken pillars in an attempt to find it; after searching most of the Kingdom, Lindsay suggests ground pounding one underwater, which reveals the Moon. Finally, he heads back to the Water Plaza, where the flower he planted has bloomed, rewarding him with another Power Moon. With nothing left to collect in the Lake Kingdom except an "art" moon he believes is elsewhere, he heads back to the Odyssey to move on to a new area.
Nimbus Arena, Cloud Kingdom
18"Battle of the Hats, Bitches"09218:48LindsayRick, Ben, Sarah22 November 2017 (2017-11-22)
Lindsay sets off from the Lake Kingdom and heads towards the Metro Kingdom, but is attacked by Bowser along the way and ends up at the Cloud Kingdom instead. There, she faces off against Bowser in a boss fight, where he is equipped with a giant hat with boxing gloves attached. By taking this hat from him and using it against him, Lindsay defeats Bowser, but falls down in a cutscene and lands in the Lost Kingdom. Soon after arriving, Cappy is taken away by a vulture. While exploring, Lindsay finds a Power Moon, then heads further in and rescues Cappy. This allows her to access more of the area, collecting a number of purple coins and two more Power Moons along the way.
Forgotten Isle, Lost Kingdom
19"The World's Stupidest Dragon"10218:11LindsayRick, Ben, Sarah23 November 2017 (2017-11-23)
Lindsay continues to explore the Lost Kingdom, finding another three Power Moons as she does so. She also discovers the shop, high up above the rest of the area, and buys another Moon and an Aviator outfit there. Outside, she finds a Moon on top of a tree, then captures a flying creature and glides down back to the start of the area. Warping back to the top of the place, she explores in a different direction and finds three Power Moons in various locations, along with a fourth one in an 8-bit segment, and yet another one outside it. After failing at a couple of jumps to try and obtain a ?-block, she decides to change directions once again.
20"Not the Best at Games"10712:47LindsayRick, Ben, Sarah24 November 2017 (2017-11-24)
Lindsay finds an area in the jungle over some poison water that contains five Moon Shards; after dying several times while searching for them, she manages to collect all five and obtain a Power Moon. She picks up another two Moons in the surrounding area, then uses an exploding enemy to break a cage containing a fourth Moon. However, she dies trying to reach it and is forced to warp to get back there. Luckily, the Power Moon is still unlocked when she gets there. After grabbing it, she warps back to the top of the area and uses the flying creature to reach a far out island with another Power Moon on it. Using a slingshot to launch herself back to the main island, she finds herself right next to the Odyssey and decides to move on to the next kingdom.
New Donk City, Metro Kingdom
21"Real Humans"10916:05LindsayRick, Ben, Sarah27 November 2017 (2017-11-27)
Lindsay arrives at New Donk City in the Metro Kingdom, while the group discuss their complicated feelings about the realistic humans present in the area. Lindsay briefly speaks to Mayor Pauline, then begins exploring the immediate area, doing things such as riding a bike and capturing a tank. She enters the shop and buys a Power Moon and a black suit and hat, then heads back outside to continue exploring. She heads across a dangerous segment over a bottomless pit, and manages to die to a Goomba while trying to cross it. On her next attempt, she is more successful and reaches the other side, finding a Power Moon inside a girder along the way.
22"No Wonder You're Winning"11519:22Lindsay, RickBen, Sarah28 November 2017 (2017-11-28)
After driving the tank up a fire escape in an attempt to keep it for the boss fight, Lindsay finds a small jump at the top of the building that requires her to leave it behind. She continues onward, entering the interior of New Donk City Hall. Following a particularly embarrassing death, she finally gives the control up, with Rick taking over. He climbs up the indoor area, finding a hidden Power Moon along the way, and heads outside. There, he goes to the top of the tower, where the boss is located. The boss knocks Mario down to the ground and starts a battle, which Rick is able to win. He receives a Multi Moon as a reward, then is sent back to the start of the area, where it is now day in the city. He grabs another hidden Power Moon inside a girder.
23"What's Wrong with Taking the Back Street?"12420:10RickBen, Lindsay, Sarah29 November 2017 (2017-11-29)
Rick heads to the main area of the city and clears a difficult jump-rope challenge on his first attempt, getting two Power Moons as a reward. He also finds a seed and plants it for later, then continues to explore. He enters another challenge area full of Bullet Bills, and finds two Power Moons there. Back in the main area, he explores more of the buildings and finds a Moon between two girders, then climbs back up the tower where the boss was initially located. Rick grabs a Power Moon at the very top, then does a difficult long jump to get another Moon and land in a swimming pool on a nearby building. He then grabs some more purple coins, and finds Captain Toad at the end of a "building dick", receiving another Moon as a reward.
24"Totally Not Gonna Make It"13322:45RickBen, Lindsay, Sarah30 November 2017 (2017-11-30)
Rick finds a Power Moon hidden in the ground, then keeps exploring the city. He finds another pot to plant a seed in, but soon becomes distracted by numerous purple coins to collect. He later comes across another pot and plants one of the seeds in it. After grabbing another Moon, he heads back down to the ground, where he takes control of a human to guide a remote controlled car into a cage containing a Moon. Heading into the shop, he buys a builder's outfit, a golf outfit and some stickers. Back outside, he gets the other seed and plants it in the pot he found earlier, then enters another building and gets a Power Moon by winning at the slots. Finally, he goes and speaks to Pauline, who tasks him with recruiting a band for the upcoming festival. Having already run into all four of them while exploring, Rick has no problem finding them. He talks to the drummer, bassist and guitarist, receiving a Power Moon from each of them, and gets another Moon from one of the plants he planted earlier before climbing to the top of a building and finding the trumpeter. Pauline then tells him he needs to fix a problem with the underground power plant.
25"A Traditional Festival"14216:27RickLindsay, Sarah1 December 2017 (2017-12-01)
Rick enters the underground area of the city, making his way through a platforming section and finding a Moon hidden there. He reaches the power plant, and defeats the two giant Piranha Plants there, restoring power and obtaining another Power Moon as a reward. At night, the festival begins; it turns out to consist of Pauline performing "Jump Up, Super Star!" while Mario runs through an obstacle course inspired by Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros., culminating in him defeating an 8-bit Donkey Kong in a replica of that game's first screen. He finds a hidden moon during the challenge, and is rewarded with a Multi Moon after completing it. Before leaving the city, he goes and collects the other two Power Moons from the plants, and completes a platforming timer challenge.
Bubblaine, Seaside Kingdom
26"Abolish Ice"14717:24JohnRick, Ben, Lindsay4 December 2017 (2017-12-04)
John leaves New Donk City in the Odyssey, and is presented with a choice between the Snow Kingdom and the Seaside Kingdom. He chooses the latter, and arrives there only to find the area being terrorized by a giant octopus. He finds a Power Moon and a switch to damage the boss, which is then revealed to be one of four that he needs to find in order to proceed. Underwater, he finds two more Power Moons in an 8-bit segment. Another Moon is located underneath Dorrie; John picks this one up while continuing to explore. He also climbs up and locates the second of the four "seal" Power Moons. Finally, he heads over to a lava-filled area where the third seal is located, but continually jumps on to the lava while trying to reach it, and ends up dying.
27"Clinically Adorable"15416:41John, RickBen, Lindsay5 December 2017 (2017-12-05)
With some guidance from Lindsay, John manages to clear the lava in the hot spring area, revealing the Moon that unlocks the third seal. He passes the control to Rick, who decides to explore underwater for a while, finding a hidden Moon as he does so. He reaches another Moon by answering a Sphinx's underwhelming riddle, and then two more hidden in various locations in the sea. Also, he finds a section where he has to collect five Moon Shards underwater without his hat, rewarding him with a Moon. He finds yet another Moon on dry land while climbing up the side of a cliff, then locates a seed, but has no idea where it can be planted.
28"Macramé for the Criminally Insane"16217:24RickJohn, Ben, Lindsay6 December 2017 (2017-12-06)
Rick carries the seed around for a while until he finds four pots; he plants it in one of them, then heads to a nearby shop and buys a Power Moon and a pirate outfit. He gets another Moon by completing a speed note-grabbing challenge, and another one hidden beneath some blocks underwater. Exploring further, he finds a darkened underwater tunnel, with yet another Power Moon hidden inside it. At the end of the tunnel, he emerges at the fourth and final seal, picking up the Moon located there. This allows him to finally face off against the octopus boss, which is defeated after a somewhat lengthy battle. He is rewarded with a Multi Moon, then continues to explore the area, finding a hidden door leading to a challenge area.
29"No Pressure, But Don't Fuck Up"16731:01RickJohn, Ben, Lindsay7 December 2017 (2017-12-07)
Rick finds a Power Moon at the end of the challenge area, but fails to obtain another one and has to try it again from the beginning in order to reach it. After doing this, he goes back to the main area and attempts the volleyball minigame. Like the jump rope challenge, there are two Power Moons available as rewards. Rick gets the first one, for hitting the ball 15 times, almost immediately, but the second one proves to be much more of a challenge, with Rick only getting it after many attempts. Afterwards, he changes his outfit at the Odyssey and gets a Power Moon from a Goomba.
30"A Game Entirely About Moons"17622:34RickJohn, Ben, Lindsay8 December 2017 (2017-12-08)
The group believe they heard a Power Moon nearby and spend a few minutes looking for it, but can't find it. Rick plans to leave the Seaside Kingdom, but decides to tie up a few loose ends first. He buys two outfits and some other items from the purple coin shop, then gets a Power Moon by dancing inside a building. He also picks up the Moon from the seed he planted earlier. Taking a rocket to a platforming challenge area, he finds both the obvious and the hidden Power Moon, then returns to the beach. He finds another Power Moon in a cave by opening four chests in the correct order, and one more by using a water shooting enemy to propel himself upwards. He then plays another floor vibration game to get a Moon, uses the water shooting enemy again to get another one higher up in the area, then locates Captain Toad on a ledge to find yet one more Moon. Feeling he has found enough, he decides to finally leave the kingdom.
31"Purple-Ass Ego"18017:01IanRick, John, Ben, Lindsay11 December 2017 (2017-12-11)
Ian takes control of the game, heading from the Seaside Kingdom to the Snow Kingdom. As he has never played or even seen the game before, Rick explains some of the mechanics to him. He explores an icy area, finding a secret entrance to Shiveria Town. He finds a Moon on top of some boxes, then buys another in the nearby shop. There are four pathways that need to be cleared in order to re-open the Shiveria race track; Ian heads to the first one, filled with wind-blowing enemies. He finds both Power Moons in the area, then exits.