Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting

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Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting
Franchise Street Fighter
Developed by Capcom
Published by Capcom
Platform(s) Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Release date(s) August 1993 (1993-08)
Genre Fighting
Let's Play
Played by
Original run October 10, 2017
No. of episodes 1
Episode length 12 minutes
Playlist link
Playlist length 12:43
Part of D-Pad Classics
Preceded by Secret of Mana

Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting is a 1993 fighting game developed and published by Capcom, as part of the Street Fighter series. The Super NES Classic Edition re-release of the SNES version of the game was played by The D-Pad in 2017, as the sixth game in the D-Pad Classics series. A single episode was released on October 10, 2017.


VideoEpisodeTitleLengthPlayer(s)CommentatorsRelease date
91"What Is Wolodo?"12:43Rick, John 10 October 2017 (2017-10-10)
Rick (controlling Zangief) and John (controlling Blanka) play a quick best of three rounds game, with John winning easily. They switch to Guile and Vega - this time, Rick manages to win a round, but John still wins overall. Switching again to E. Honda and Dhalsim - the first round ends in a double knockout, and the other two rounds are both narrowly won by Rick, giving him his first overall win. In the fourth game, they play as Sagat and Chun Li; John easily wins both rounds. They switch once again to Balrog and M. Bison, with John winning yet again. Finally, they play as Ryu and Ken. The match is extremely close, with Rick winning by a fraction in the final round.