Onimusha Blade Warriors

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{{Infobox game

|game_title = Onimusha Blade Warriors
|thumbnail = Onimusha-blade-warriors.png
|image_size = 250px
|aka = 
|franchise = 
|series = Onimusha
|developer = Capcom
|publisher = Capcom
|platforms = PlayStation 2
|release_dates = March 24, 2004 (2004-03-24)
|genre = Fighting
|info_1 = Details

|players =

|featuring = 
|intro = "Level Select"
by "Studio" Steve Wallace |outro = "Dr. Wiley"
by "Studio" Steve Wallace |run = August 25, 2020 -
present |episodes = 1 |elength = 20 minutes |video = |playlist = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfujXvl455i9oOy7cTIAdM2rMYlCOUBDx |plength = 20:01 |series_1 = The Mega Let's Play |preceded = SNK vs. Capcom
SVC Chaos

|concurrent =

Onimusha Blade Warriors is a 2004 fighting game developed and published by Capcom for the PlayStation 2. It is a multiplayer spin-off in the Onimusha series, and features MegaMan.EXE and Zero from the Mega Man franchise as playable characters. The game was played on The D-Pad in 2020, as the seventy-third weekday game in The Mega Let's Play, and the eighty-fifth game in the series overall. The LP began on August 25, 2020.


TMLP#EpisodeTitleLengthPlayersCommentatorsRelease date
First Blood
1608*"It's All Battlefield"20:01Rick, Ben August 25, 2020 (2020-08-25)
Opening Sequence; Title Screen; VS. Mode; Character Select; Match 1; Match 2; Match 3


First Blood 
Default thumbnail